The Dragonfly of  Lookout Mountain

by Judy Hatch

A dragonfly is born in a pond and flies to a mountaintop where it meets a young woman who is a fire lookout. A journey through the seasons and the dragonfly's life cycle.

Softcover $14.95 - ISBN: 0-934747-42-3 128 pages - printed in USA on quality recycled paper 120 exquisite pen-and-ink drawings

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About the author -- Judy Hatch has always enjoyed nature. Her happiest childhood hours were spent in the woods of Connecticut and upstate New York, and on the beaches of Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts. In college she earned a BA in art and an MS in education. Her favorite hobbies are hiking, camping and drawing.

The Dragonfly of Lookout Mountain was written because of Ms. Hatch's curiosity about the dragonflies which visited the fire tower in northern California where she spent six summers. The artwork was drawn by hand, by making dots with technical pens varying from .005" to .012" diameter. Ms. Hatch is a teacher, writer and artist. She lives in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California with her husband Bud and a house full of plants.

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